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“If there’s a better acting ensemble working in America right now than the extraordinary cast of “The Humans,” which opened Wednesday at the Ahmanson Theatre with nearly the entire Broadway cast intact, I’m unaware of its existence.
Mills imbues Richard, the outsider in the family, with an imperturbable kindliness.”
“ Mills scores with genderbending raunchiness, both as an emotionally sloppy landlord and as pickled Miss Rexy, whose mouth never met a four-letter word that it didn’t like.
“Nick Mills is a wonderful tonic as the impossibly winning fool Marco.”
“While Ms. Tracy provided the heart to the show Nick Mills as Ms. Rexy brought the pain and the harsh reality that sometimes goes with prejudices of working as a drag queen. It was his moving speech about his war wounds that brought a tear to everyone’s eyes and proved him an excellent actor.”
A great love productions
Nick Mills | Co-Founder and CEO
Michael Raymen| michaelr@buchwald.com
Don Buchwald and Associates
10 E. 44th St ∙ New York, NY ∙(212)867-1200